2019년 10월 11일 금요일

Dark circle how long are you going to suffer?

 Dark circle how long are you going to suffer?  

Dark circle can make your face is very glommy and dark.
This case, why don't you get the fat repositioning surgery at TL and get the youthful look?
You can resolve the dark circle problem at once.

There will be people who are wondering how to get rid of the eyebag that makes you look old.
The eyebag under your eyes can make you look much older than your actual age.
If you get rid of this excessive fat you can get the dramatic anti-aging effect permanantly.

The membrane that surrounds the fat pocket becomes weak as you age 
so this is protruded as the elasticity of the membrane decreases.
If you have severe case that is having an excessive fat
you can get instant dramatic effect after the surgery.

Surgery information.
- Operation time : 30 mins
- Anesthesia : short term sedation
- Hospitalisation : N/A
- Removal of stiches : N/A
- Recovery time : 2-3 days
(This can vary depending on the individuals, caution for bleeding and infection)

Candidates for this surgery
- You look tired because of the dark circle.
- You can't cover your dark circle with concealer
- No effect of laser treatment for your dark circle
- You need love band under your eyes
- You look old because of the eyebag

For information contact me today
💌Email: consult.tlps@gmail.com
📱Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
☀️Kakao: tlps1234
🐻Line: tlps1234

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