2019년 10월 16일 수요일

TL's Mommymakeover!!

TL's Mommy Makeover!!

List of surgeries
Facial contouring sergery

She is mother of two kids, a successful business woman :)
She had undergo Facial contouring sergery, Rhinoplasty and Eyeplasty
She looks younger and lively than before!!


Only for who really need facial contouring
We provide safer and more satisfactory result with years of experience

Constant research about facial contouring
We have pride for the result with individual customized surgery

For information contact me today
💌Email: consult.tlps@gmail.com
📱Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
☀️Kakao: tlps1234
🐻Line: tlps1234

2019년 10월 13일 일요일

No worries, Tips to treat swelling

No worries, Tips to treat swelling

To have a satisfactory result on your plastic surgery,
Post operation care is important as surgery itself
Swelling is one of the common concerns of people
who are planning to get plastic surgery or who have already done

There is no way that we can avoid it
Of course, time will solve the problem 
but, wouldn't it be better if the swell goes down as fast as possible??
Here are some tips to treat swelling!

Low-impact, light exercise
Get up and walk around occasionally during your regular work day,
and include low impact exercise in your weekly routine

Cooling with ice
Apply icepack immediately right after the surgery
Avoid applying ice directly to the skin, but wrap an ice pack
in a towel and apply to the swollen area

Elevate the surgery area
Any time you are sitting or lying down, prop up the swollen
area on pillows, above the level of your heart
This prevents blood from collecting in the 
swollen area and aids in circulation

Get injection or medication that helps to reduce swell
Talk to your doctor about the best way for your situation

Get an aftercare treatment
Not only for swelling, it will help to reduce bruise and pain as well

For information contact me today
💌Email: consult.tlps@gmail.com
📱Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
☀️Kakao: tlps1234
🐻Line: tlps1234

2019년 10월 11일 금요일

Dark circle how long are you going to suffer?

 Dark circle how long are you going to suffer?  

Dark circle can make your face is very glommy and dark.
This case, why don't you get the fat repositioning surgery at TL and get the youthful look?
You can resolve the dark circle problem at once.

There will be people who are wondering how to get rid of the eyebag that makes you look old.
The eyebag under your eyes can make you look much older than your actual age.
If you get rid of this excessive fat you can get the dramatic anti-aging effect permanantly.

The membrane that surrounds the fat pocket becomes weak as you age 
so this is protruded as the elasticity of the membrane decreases.
If you have severe case that is having an excessive fat
you can get instant dramatic effect after the surgery.

Surgery information.
- Operation time : 30 mins
- Anesthesia : short term sedation
- Hospitalisation : N/A
- Removal of stiches : N/A
- Recovery time : 2-3 days
(This can vary depending on the individuals, caution for bleeding and infection)

Candidates for this surgery
- You look tired because of the dark circle.
- You can't cover your dark circle with concealer
- No effect of laser treatment for your dark circle
- You need love band under your eyes
- You look old because of the eyebag

For information contact me today
💌Email: consult.tlps@gmail.com
📱Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
☀️Kakao: tlps1234
🐻Line: tlps1234

2019년 10월 9일 수요일

TL registered service mark on Quick zygoma reduction (2013)

TL registered service mark on Quick zygoma reduction (2013)

(Before-> 1 month -> 3 months)

Fractured bone naturally heals over time, allowing 
natural adhesion method to be possible, but depending on 
the patients’ bone condition, we apply the most suitable 
fixation method customized for each patient.


Advantage of TL Quick zygoma reduction is short surgery time, 
simple surgery method, and fast recovery.
TL Quick zygoma reduction’s customized fixation method 
provides effective side cheekbone reduction.


For information contact me today
💌Email: consult.tlps@gmail.com
📱Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
☀️Kakao: tlps1234
🐻Line: tlps1234

2019년 10월 8일 화요일

[Real Review]Facial contouring trio (cheeks, jaw, chin) 7 months post op

[Real Review]Facial contouring trio (cheeks, jaw, chin)
7 months post op

(After the surgery)

Its been 4 months since I got zygoma reduction, 
square jaw reduction and chin reduction

Right after the surgery, 
I was wondering if the swelling will ever go down
But, nothing bothers me now as if I didnt get plastic surgery

(Before the surgery)

For a month or two, I lost weight because I had a hard time chewing foods
But I gained weight now as everything got back to normal

I was never told my face looks small 
because of protruded cheekbone but now I often hear it!
For information contact me today
💌Email: consult.tlps@gmail.com
📱Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
☀️Kakao: tlps1234
🐻Line: tlps1234

2019년 10월 6일 일요일

My revision nose and eyes review

My revision nose and eyes review

Rhinoplasty revision: septal cartilage, alar reduction,
remove hi-ko(nose thread lifting)
epicanthoplasty, lataral canthoplasty and lower canthoplasty

I am satisfied with the result
I wanted a natural change but not too natural


This is me before
my eyes were short and round

and my nose was bulby


Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created in TL
with 1:1 customized design and consultation
Eyes and nose specialist team takes care of the patients
systematic care throughout the surgery and aftercare

For information contact me today
💌Email: consult.tlps@gmail.com
📱Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
☀️Kakao: tlps1234
🐻Line: tlps1234

2019년 10월 4일 금요일

[Real review]TL Bulbous nose correction

[Real review]TL Bulbous nose correction

It hasn't been a year yet 
I wasn’t sure about the result at first 
because my nose seemed to look like almost the same as before
There wasn’t a significant change until post op 5 months


However, the results turned out wonderful!
I am very satisfied with the result now :)


TL Plasic Surgery provide personalized medical services
throughout all the necessary procedures for the best result :)

For information contact me today
💌Email: consult.tlps@gmail.com
📱Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
☀️Kakao: tlps1234
🐻Line: tlps1234