2017년 11월 16일 목요일

TL Safe Anesthesia System

line: tlfacialcontouring


TL Safe Anesthesia System

TL plastic surgery offers dedicated anesthesiologist 
on site to monitor the patient’s safe surgery 
procedurefrom pre to post operation

TL Safe Anesthesia System
◾ Anesthesiologist on site
◾ 1:1 Monitoring
◾ Newest medical eq uiptment

TL have exclusive facial contouring system for
Effective and Safe surgery
Uninterruptible power supplies, backup power cutting-edge
 monitoring equipment, real-time monitoring during
 the surgery waking up from the anesthesia

 Sterilization system, illiminates infection 
through sterilization system, A-line Monitor, 
arterial tube and arterial pressure monitoring, 
cardioverter defibrillatort

Pompt response in case of emergency, thyrocricotomy
equiptment, prompt response in case of emergency

Remember! More than anything else, safety is first!
For more information contact me today :)

Novermer Never Go Promotions✨✔
(Must undergo surgery in November)
1) Anti-droop TL Facial Bone Contouring Trio👇🏻🔚☝🏻🔛. 
✔Long Curved Jaw Reduction 
✔Chin surgery (genio, reduction, or lengthening)
✔3D Tightening Zygoma Reduction 

Includes moderate muscle muscle & fat reduction 

2)1 day Facial Contouring 🤠👌🏻

✔Cheek Implant
✔Smileline Implant
✔Chin Implant
✔Nose Implant 
✔Forehead fillers 

3)TL Trinity is Back and runnin’ 🚘🚘🚘.

Facial contouring(jaw, cheeks, chin) 
+ Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
+ double eye surgery

Contact us Today🤠✨🔛👇🏻
line: tlfacialcontouring

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