line: tlfacialcontouring
No more Sleepy Eyes!!
Ptosis correction
If you see picture on the right side you’ll see sagging eyelid
that covers pupil which gives a sleepy look
Ptosis correction is quick eyelid surgery correcting ptosis the cause of sleepy eyesFrom ptosis correction, you can get clear and defined eyes with fuctional improvement!!
▰ Asymmetry eyes
▰ Cause of astigmatis
▰ Decreased visual acuity
▰ Wrinkles on forehead
▰ Headache
Non-incisional ptosis correction characteristic
▰ Ptosis correction surgery without scar.▰ Only ptosis correction can be performed without creating double eyelid surgery
▰ Pre-permanent double eyelid crease by multi-point buried suture method
▰ Clear and more defined eye shape by ptosis correction
▰ Short recovery time due to minimal swelling and scar

Suitable condition
▰ If you often hear that you look sleepy because of the eyelid covering your eyes.▰ If you want quick recovery that doesn’t effect your social life.
▰ If the size of eyes are obviously asymmetry.
▰ If your eyelid is sagging by using double eyelid tape or glue.
▰ If you had no change even after double eyelid surgery.

TL offers 1:1 customized design and consultation for the best result
Most harmonizing eyes are created in TL so don't hesitate anymore
all you have to do is contacting us for a free consulation :)
Novermer Never Go Promotions✨✔
(Must undergo surgery in November)
1) Anti-droop TL Facial Bone Contouring Trio👇🏻🔚☝🏻🔛.
✔Long Curved Jaw Reduction
✔Chin surgery (genio, reduction, or lengthening)
✔3D Tightening Zygoma Reduction
Includes moderate muscle muscle & fat reduction
2)1 day Facial Contouring 🤠👌🏻
✔Cheek Implant
✔Smileline Implant
✔Chin Implant
✔Nose Implant
✔Forehead fillers
3)TL Trinity is Back and runnin’ 🚘🚘🚘.
Facial contouring(jaw, cheeks, chin)
+ Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
+ double eye surgery
Contact us Today🤠✨🔛👇🏻
line: tlfacialcontouring
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