2018년 11월 4일 일요일

Improve your long chin in TL!

Improve your long chin in TL!

Did you know long chin give a strong impression and result in facial imbalance?
Not only an aesthetic problem, but functional problem might bother you

Chin reduction is the best way to improve Long or Jutting  chin
Form Long Jutting chin correction you can expect 

Harmonious & balanced face, Smaller front profile
Actual face size reduction and Better first impression

If your lower lip is more projecting than the upper lip
you have poor pronunciation due to wrong teeth bite,
chin is too long but the bite is ok,  mid-face looks sunken in 
or chin is too long from the side profile you can think about getting long chin correction

 Surgery process 
Chin osteotomy is performed depending on the individual's bone structre,
piece is taken out, chin is pushed in and fixed

TL Long chin correction
3D CT Analysis, nerve damage prevention,
1:1 Personalized surgery method long or jutted jaw correction
More than the Length Reduction Aesthetically beautiful face

For information contact me today 

line: tlfacialcontouring

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