2018년 10월 11일 목요일

Safety system in TL

Safety system in TL

Thinking about getting Facial Contouring Surgery?
Since, Facial Contouring Surgery is a surgery that has to deal with the
facial bone and general anesthesia, safety should be considered first
In TL, patient safety is a top priority
TL introduced the 4 steps sterilised system to prevent from infections
 and the airshower to get rid of the micro-dust
Furthermore, TL Anesthesia system is equipped with the most up to date equipments
and anesthesiologist with systematic analysis of each and every patient’s
body condition for the most personalized anesthesia program
safety system
TL Safe Anesthesia
Dedicated Anesthesiologist for the Patients during the Operation
Anesthesiologist is on site 24/7 for each operation to take care of the patients.
Real-time Monitoring while under Anesthesia
Anesthesiologists monitor blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, and EKG during the operation.
safety system
Specialized anesthesia equipment used in general hospitals
No nausea afterwards because we only use the best anesthetic products.
Swift response through sensors to check the breath that applies
pressure to the lung under anesthesia during the operation.
Customized Anesthesia Program
Anesthesiologists perform based on the patient’s blood test and chest X-ray.
safety system

🍁October Specials🍁
🍁Dates: 1-31 October🍁
🍁Facial contouring 🍁
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin & Implants
Special rates apply for revisions & complex cases 
🍁Contact us Today🍁
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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 #vegas #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery #tl美容整形外科 
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