2018년 10월 22일 월요일

Double Eyelid Surgery without incosion

Double Eyelid Surgery without incosion

Whas is Non-incision double eyelid surgery??
Non-incision method creates double eyelids using fine sutures
 without making incisions to the eyelid

The Asian eyelid is different from the Caucasian eyelid in many ways,
which is why Asian eyelid surgery (Asian blepharoplasty) is so unique and complex

Asian eyes require delicate finesse with the typical epicanthal fold
 that lies in front of the eye so that proper rejuvenation
with natural beauty of this type of eye can be made.

There are various factors will be evaluated including:
- Your skin thickness and quality
- Your fat volume under the skin
- Your healing from past procedures
- Your unique anatomy around your eyes
- Your age
- Your gender
Eyelid surgery is more important to make alance 
with your face rather than following the trend
 TL Plastic surgery applies the most suitable type
 of buried suture method based on individual’s eyes

🍁October Specials🍁
🍁Dates: 1-31 October🍁
🍁Facial contouring 🍁
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin & Implants
Special rates apply for revisions & complex cases 
🍁Contact us Today🍁
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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