Stress with long chin?
If you have Jutting or long chin it can give a strong impression
Not only an aesthetic problem but functional problem might
bother you such as poor pronunciation
The best way to improve long jaw and jutting chins are to have a chin reduction
Form jutting jaw, long jaw correction patient can get a harmonious & balanced face,
smaller front profile, actual face size reduction and better first impression! :)

Surgery process
Chin osteotomy is performed depending on the individual's bone structre,
piece is taken out, chin is pushed in and fixed
TL Jutting/Long Jaw Correction
3D CT Analysis Bite has to be normal
Nerve Damage Prevention Safe Surgery
1:1 Personalized Surgery Method Long or Jutted Jaw Correction
More than the Length Reduction Aesthetically beautiful face

Good candidates for jutting chin reductions are those
who have lower lip is more projecting than the upper lip,
poor pronunciation due to wrong teeth bite, chin is too long but the bite is ok,
mid-face looks sunken in and chin is too long from the side profile
🦋September Specials🦋
🦋Dates: 1-30 September 🦋
🦋Facial contouring for USD 8800🦋
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin
Special rates apply for revisions & complex cases
🦋Contact us Today🦋
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