2018년 8월 20일 월요일

TL Real Review, It has been already 7 months!

TL Real Review, It has been already 7 months! 

Real Review

I was so worried about the pain, but decided to undergo the surgery after reading
all the reviews that are saying the pain is temporary 
and they regret not having the surgery earlier!
After making up my mind, I had consulted with 4~5 clinics
During the consultation with Dr.Choi, 
he has shown confidence so I decided to have surgery at TL!

Real Review

I was so nervous the day of the surgery, but the nurse reassured me.
I took a deep breath as the nurse told me to do and fall asleep right away.
After the surgery, I felt pain in the jaw and my throat was burning!
I couldn’t sleep well that night, but I felt better after I got a deep sleep on the next day

Real Review

For the first few days, I struggled with the swelling.
The swelling started to go down faster when I removed the bandage after a week.
I took a walk for 20~30 minute every day at night and this helped to reduce swell a lot.
I was able to open my mouth in two weeks, I could barely put three fingers in.
Recovery was faster than I thought, that I could eat chopped meat in a month

Real Review

I still have some numbness but it’s getting better and better.
Even the minor swelling has gone down a lot these days, there is still a way to go though.
Oh! And I’m currently on a diet so my face looks even slimmer!
​I am so satisfied with the result! I should have done the surgery much earlier!
Thank you so much Dr.choi!!!

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