2018년 8월 1일 수요일

TL Male Rhinoplasty

TL Male Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is the most popular plastic surgery among male patietns
Since, nose plays the key role in determining the overall image
And a slight difference can make a huge difference
Surgery must performed by a qualified, experienced surgeons

Male Rhinoplasty

Ideal Male Rhinoplasty Line is straight all the way from the bridge to the tip
And Ideal Male Rhinoplasty Angle is Forehead & bridge 140-150 degrees,
For Tip & lips 90-105 degrees

Male Rhinoplasty

TL Male Rhinoplasty
Straight bridge without the curve and starts higher than female nose
Thicker than the female nose, straight and sharp nose
Balanced line from the forehead to bridge to the chin
Sculpted side profile! Manly and Masculine!

Male Rhinoplasty

TL offers personalized plastic surgery, 1:1 customized
mortification based on the patients’ original features
Most harmonizing eyes + nose are created,
most proportional & Ideal Eyes + Nose for the patients’ image

🌞Hot summer specials🌞
🌞Facial contouring for USD 8880🌞
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin
🌞Rhinoplasty from USD 4000🌞
🌞Eye surgery from USD 1200🌞
Special rates apply for revisions, complex cases & multiple surgeries
🌞Contact us Today🌞
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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