2018년 8월 10일 금요일

Post surgery what you should exepct to do

Post surgery what you should exepct to do
 Post surgery
Have a healthy food rather than spicy or salty foods
These types of food can causes swelling
Get some rest and take a deep sleep
Good lifestyle along with the healthy diet will help you get back to the normal life
Post surgery
Note that if you have done the zygoma or the square jaw line reduction surgery
Avoid any hard foods that you need a great strength to chew the foods
Post surgery
Don't forget to put the icepack on the area where you had your surgery
this will help your swelling or pain to reduce
However, the excessive use of icepack prevent good the bloood circulation
Post surgery
Finally, if you needs to go to work or school
You may need to cover your brusing in case it didn't dissapear in time
You can apply red lipstick on the bruise and cover it up with the good concealer
If your bruise is blue or purple use the yellow concealer
yellow or green bruise will be benefited from purple coloured concealer
Post surgery

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