2018년 6월 11일 월요일

Achieve your ideal eyes with TL Double eyelid surgery

Achieve your ideal eyes with TL Double eyelid surgery

Double eyelid surgery with suture method is the most common surgery in Korea
Especially it is preferred by the young students.
Double eyelid could be done for who has elasticity in eyelid,
doesn't have a sagging on eyelid and doesn't have much fat on eyelid
Usually East Asian doesn't have a double eyelid and has Mongolian fold
which makes your eyes look smaller and not wide enough
in this case you can have canthoplasty at the same time while the double eyelid surgery is operating
or If you have a weak eye muscle that makes your eyes looks sleepy
you can have a ptosis correction
TL offers personalized plastic surgery, 1:1 customized
mortification based on the patients’ original features
Keep your personality and look better
Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created for each patient!!
🔥😎Hot Summer June Promo😎🔥.
😎TL Trinity for USD 9999 😎
🔥Zygoma & Jaw & Chin
😎Primary Rhino for USD 3500😎
🔥Tip(septal) & Bridge
😎Special rates apply for revisions, complex cases & multiple surgeries
🔥Contact us Today🔥.
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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