2018년 5월 2일 수요일

Brighten up your eyes with TL!



Double eyelid surgery, Ptosis correction, Canthoplasty are
three typical surgeries for thoes who have small eyes

Ever heard looking tired and sleepy even though you aren't?
Want to brighten up your eyes?
Want slim and clear double eyelid crease?

Then, you can think about getting ptosis correction!



Ptosis correction
If you see picture on the right side you’ll see sagging eyelid
that covers pupil which gives a sleepy look


Since the muscle opening the eyes is very weak it makes
to use eyebrow and forehead to open the eyes

This can cause wrinkles on forehead, headache and decreased visual acuity
What this means is that it’s not only a matter of aesthetics, but functional problem as well

From ptosis correction you can get clear and defined eyes with fuctional improvement!!



To get perfect eyes it's important to make balance 
with your face rather than following trends
And this is the reason that you should choose a well-experience specialist

TL offers 1:1 customized design and consultation for the best result

Most harmonizing eyes are created in TL so don't hesitate anymore 
all you have to do is contacting us for a free consulation :)


May be Grateful Promotion 🙏🏻.
Bring a Friend, Get 10% off 👧🏻👧🏼.
Bring 2, Get 20% off👧🏼👧🏿👧🏻.
Your Choices (Must Undergo Surgery in May)
👧🏻Zygoma reduction
👧🏽Jaw reduction
👧🏼Chin reduction
👧🏾Rhinoplasty (Bridge, Tip, Alar)
👧🏽Implants : Cheeks / Chin / Paranasal
 Contact us Today🙏🏻.
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
 Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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