2018년 1월 25일 목요일

TL Zygoma reduction revisonal surgery
Big and protruded zygoma makes your face much wider.
Thus there are numerous people who wish to improve their look by having surgery.
But if you go to an amateur surgeon
you may have a side effects such as sagging, subtle difference.
Therefore it is crucial that you find a highly experienced surgeon
to have this type of complicated surgery.
At TL plastic surgery, Dr.Kim is performing the surgery,
who is the facial contourins specialist in Korea.
 He uses 3D-CT scan for accurate analysis and assess the factor that contribute the failure of the first zygoma surgery.
He plans his operation by investigating patient's facial element
and try to make the harmonised and balanced face.
He is well-known for his facial contouring surgery.
 He has pusuit this academia in facial contouring over decades.
 With his prolific clinical expereince and expertise
he is one of the leading plastic surgeon who performs his operation excellently.
TL is famous for zygoma reduction surgery
with specialised medical staffs such as Dr. Kim and Dr.Choi.
TL has a latest medical equippment to prevent any emergent situation at the surgery. Anesthesilogist resides at the surgery for monitoring patients during the operation.
She gives provide appropriate medication throughout surgery.
4 Steps daily steralisation is introduced for the surgery
leading to the clean and steralised evironment for patients
preventing from the potential intfection.
In order to prevent the another revisional zygoma surgery
 TL offers 1:1 personal care for post operation.
Asthetician will take care of the bruises and swelling for the quickest recovery at all costs.
If you are wondering
why you should get this surgery and why TL
ask more about it to us.

January Promos 🦄
🦄Contact us Today🦄
Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
10,000 USD for Any 3 Procedures!
🦄Zygoma reduction
🦄Jaw reduction
🦄Chin reduction
🦄Primary Rhinoplasty (Bridge, Tip, Alar)
🦄Implants : Cheeks / Chin / Paranasal
Stay tuned with me!.
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