2018년 1월 18일 목요일

The results from the certanity. Plastic surgery for the deviated nose

TL Deviated Nose Correction
Plastic surgery can serve its use for the asthetic perspective but it can also resolve any functional issues. Especially if your nose is deviated there are problems not only from the outside but also the inside as the structure of the nose inside can be changed leading to various nasal illnesses.
The deviated nose is generally comes with S and C shape mostly. If you want to to improve asthetic and functional reason you can have the correction surgery.


TL Deviated Nose Correction

If center points of nose is shifted and the tip is 
not in line with the center we call 'deviated nose'

Deviated nose could cause a number of different 
problems such as headache or breathing difficulties

So in most cases, dviated nose corrections are highly suggested for 
an improvement (both aesthetic and functional side)

Nasal bone is crooked
Curved and protruding nasal bone is
 cut and shifted to the center

Alar grove and septum is deviated
Accessory cartilages and septal cartilage are 
separated, and reattached for the correction

Severe deviation
If the septal cartilage is deviated severely, 
incision and shifting is needed for the correction

TL offers 1:1 customized design and consultation for the best result

Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created in TL
 with eyes and nose specialist team:)


Contact us todaytlpszx@gmail.com
line: tlfacialcontouring
January Promos 🦄
10,000 USD for Any 3 Procedures!
🦄Zygoma reduction
🦄Jaw reduction
🦄Chin reduction
🦄Primary Rhinoplasty (Bridge, Tip, Alar)
🦄Implants : Cheeks / Chin / Paranasal
🦄Contact us Today🦄tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
Stay tuned with me!.
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