2018년 1월 3일 수요일

The foods that you need to avoid prior to surgery.

What Foods to Avoid Before Surgery

Yesterday, we have looked at some of the best foods that you need to try before the surgery.
Today I brought some of useful information about what foods to avoid prior to the surgery.
 Avoide less-healthy food options. These include:
•Processed carbohydrates, including pasta, bread and cereal, which are of little nutritional value

•Salt, which can increase your blood pressure and cause dehydration when consumed in excessive amounts

•Sugar, which, when consumed in excessive amounts, can activate glycatin, a physiological process in which proteins that are essential for healthy, elastic skin become hard and rigid

•Unhealthy fats such as margarine and deep-fried foods, which contribute to clogged arteries and, ultimately, heart disease

After Surgery
In the first several days following surgery, you should avoid spicy and very salty foods, especially if you have had facial surgery, as these foods may increase swelling.
After having an experience with a facial surgery patient who had spicy Thai food two days after surgery and then developed significant swelling that night.
 Dr. Choi suggests that patients go easy on these types of foods for at least two weeks after surgery.
 He also suggests that patients add these types of foods back into their diet gradually.
Not smoking, eating healthy food and staying hydrated are three simple things you can do to get the most out of your cosmetic surgery.

To schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Choi to find out more about your cosmetic surgery options and what you can to do optimize your results, contact TL Plastic Surgery Centre by contacting us through:
line: tlfacialcontouring

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