2018년 1월 29일 월요일

Chin revisonal surgery at TL

Facial contouring surgery has been popular in recent years. Increasing number of individuals underwent such surgery. The higher demands are the higher side effects and dissatisfaction. There are quite of people who consider to have a revisional facial surgery.
Before you get the chin revisional surgery the accurate analysis of the first surgery's failure is important. TL plastic surgery uses 3D CT scan to do it and make a suitable plans so that it can be personalised surgery for the patients. TL uses it specialised  surgical method called v-line oesteotomy to make it effective.
V-line oesteotomy involves cutting the bone from jaw to chin with a v shape therefore there are not procedures to be made and prevent from possibility of secondary angle. Furthermore, this v-line surgery can make your face smaller and slimmer in avery possible ways. Dr. Kim at TL is recognised his expertise in facial contouring sysetm with his constant research.
The most important thing in the revisonal surgery is the skill of the surgeon. Dr.Kim enrolled his surgery in patent and has a natural born with asthetic sense and clincial exepriences thus he will condcut the surgery safe and sound. He also went on TV as a plastic surgeon and was invited to Europe conference with his two dissertation.
Dr Kim will anaylse the factor of the faiulre of the first surgery and will give you the perosnliased consultation. As a director of the surgeon at TL he has put a lot of attention towards patient's saftey fore and foremost. There is an ahesthesiologist resdient at TL, who is giving the right medication or care for patients during operation. There is air shower which get rid of your micro-dust on your body. We provide the after care after the surgery and real-life monitoring system for watching surgery with the mobile device so that you can check there isn't doctor swapping going on at TL. This fact is giving a lot of reassurance to patients.

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Whatsapp: +82-10-8993-6968
10,000 USD for Any 3 Procedures!
🦄Zygoma reduction
🦄Jaw reduction
🦄Chin reduction
🦄Primary Rhinoplasty (Bridge, Tip, Alar)
🦄Implants : Cheeks / Chin / Paranasal
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🦄Web: http://www.tlplasticsurgery.com/facial-contouring/facial-contouring-center/
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