2017년 12월 16일 토요일

TL Lower Blepharoplasty

line: tlfacialcontouring

TL Lower Blepharoplasty

You can have bright impression and younger looking
by removing wrinkles and repositioning the sagging fat on the lower eyelid

Lower blepharoplasty is a surgery removing sagging skin 
and repositioning or removing protruded fat through
 incision of the skin below lower eyelashes!!

TL Lower Blepharoplasty 

Small incision
The chance of scarring is almost impossible since,
the surgery will be operated through conjunctival
Also, the recovery is very fast due to non-incision of the skin

Lifting up
Sagging fat and muscle reposition
This gives anti-aging effect by lifting up sagging muscle and 
fat to correct the congestion and loosen muscle on the lower eyelid

Repositioning the fat on tear trough to make elastic
 love band and improving the sagging fat pocket
 to make bright impression

For information contact me today 

line: tlfacialcontouring

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