2017년 6월 15일 목요일

Find a Hidden Space on your Eyes TL Canthoplasty!!

Find a Hidden Space on your Eyes
TL Canthoplasty!!

If you have Mongolian fold and undergo double 
eyelid surgery without epicanthoplasty
the result can be unnatural and less effective :(

Mongolian fold is a fold from medial upper eyelid to lower eyelid
which makes eyes look small since it covers medial part of the eyes

Therefore, to have a big and bright eyes you have to
go through Canthoplasty if you have a mongolian fold



There are two types, Epicanthoplasty and Lateral canthoplasty
Canthoplasty gives you defined eyes and bright impression by widening length of eyes

Epicanthoplasty is to open up your innner corner of the eyes by removing Mongolian fold

Lateral canthoplasty 
Lateral canthoplasty is to open your outer corner to make balanced eyes by lengthening of eyes


This doesn't mean that you have to go through all of these surgeries,
To have a perfect eyes, making balance with your face is important!
And this is the reason that you should choose a well-experience specialist

Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created in TL
with 1:1 customized design and consultation!!

Eyes and nose specialist team takes care of the patients
systematic care throughout the surgery and aftercare :)

🍃June Promotions🍃
1️⃣💚Triple Vline💚
Long curved Jaw reduction & chin surgery combined with "MBC" 
✔️M (masseter muscle reduction)
✔️B (bone reduction)
✔️C (cortical osteotomy)
2️⃣💚Secret Facial Contouring💚
Zygoma reduction & mini vline (chin reduction) with dissolvable screws : 
Airport check 👍🏻xray 👍🏻mri👍🏻 
Hubbies and boyfriends will never know🙏🏻
3️⃣💚Shading Rhinoplasty💚
Perfect solution for "WATCH" 
✔️W (wide nose)
✔️A (asymmetric nose)
✔️T (troublesome nose: rhinitis, sinus infection, septum deviation)
✔️C (crooked nose)
✔️H (humpy nose)
Lateral osteotomy on the bridge, tip plasty with the best material for the medical & aesthetic perfection 
🍃Apply today at tlfacialcontouring@gmail.com📨
Stay tuned with me!
🍃Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring
🍃Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
🍃Kakao: tlps1234
🍃Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
🍃Email: tlfacialcontouring@gmail.com
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#rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea #vegas #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery


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