2017년 1월 18일 수요일

Rich expertise and clinical experience of facial contour surgery specialists.
One-on-one customized surgery through scientific precision examination.
Anesthesia specialist on duty 365days.
Safe care centre to help recovery of patients.
University hospital level emergency treatment system.

Facial shape completes the beauty of a person.
TL Facial contour surgery completes an ideal facial contour through 
One-on-one customized surgery by a facial contour surgery specialist with professional expertise and clinical experiences.
after a detailed examination of bone placements, thicknesses, sizes and nerve placements of the patient using precision 3dct.

For Consultation :
Kakao: tlps1234 
Stay tuned with me! 
Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com 
FB: https://www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring/
Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr 
Instagram: tlfacialcontouring 

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